The 4 dimension article talk about the fourth dimension and how we live in 3 dimensional world. Then it goes on to talk about how depending on if you are landbased the 3 dimesion point are not as easily as assessible as it is for a fish or bird because of degree space. Then further on in the reading Rucker uses a hyper cube as illustrated expample of how the 4 dimension opperates. The 4 dimension is basically like the 3 dimension except that it has extra dimension and extra degree of space.Then Ruckers uses the con and sphere as character to try to simplify the 4 dimension and these extra degree of space. The 4 dimension you are in all direction and at the still at the same time. The whole 4 dimension concept kinda reminds me of god, how he is everywhere and no where. Then there was a lot of confusion and skimming of the pages. Rucker talks about the universe, sound pretty cool now. Rucker's talks about how the universe has electron and positron and antimatter.Now I know about electron and positron but antimatter as fare as I know it is a part of physic. Antimatter is antiparticles of matter or something?So I guess that Rucker is not only defining the 4 dimension by angles and geometry and space but the man is going deep into the concept of dimensionality it self when speaking about the 4 dimension ? This reading is kinda good to read but it something that has to read a couple of times to fully understand. It can be done im going to reread later on and maybe it will click better then.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Rucker vs Einstein it all a illusion
The 4 dimension article talk about the fourth dimension and how we live in 3 dimensional world. Then it goes on to talk about how depending on if you are landbased the 3 dimesion point are not as easily as assessible as it is for a fish or bird because of degree space. Then further on in the reading Rucker uses a hyper cube as illustrated expample of how the 4 dimension opperates. The 4 dimension is basically like the 3 dimension except that it has extra dimension and extra degree of space.Then Ruckers uses the con and sphere as character to try to simplify the 4 dimension and these extra degree of space. The 4 dimension you are in all direction and at the still at the same time. The whole 4 dimension concept kinda reminds me of god, how he is everywhere and no where. Then there was a lot of confusion and skimming of the pages. Rucker talks about the universe, sound pretty cool now. Rucker's talks about how the universe has electron and positron and antimatter.Now I know about electron and positron but antimatter as fare as I know it is a part of physic. Antimatter is antiparticles of matter or something?So I guess that Rucker is not only defining the 4 dimension by angles and geometry and space but the man is going deep into the concept of dimensionality it self when speaking about the 4 dimension ? This reading is kinda good to read but it something that has to read a couple of times to fully understand. It can be done im going to reread later on and maybe it will click better then.
Pierre Huyghe
Pierre like to take fragment from literature , event, animation and contextualize it into a video, sculpture or film. The interesting thing about Pierre is that he is always challenging narrative and the illusion that media can create. Pierre doesn't used linear narrative, Pierre gives example of artist Douglas Capland about how Disney is too efficient and seamless. To Douglas Disney film do not give the viewer the chance to explore or wonder, it control the viewer and makes them watch the event at a distance.
Pierre on the other hand wants the viewer to be submerged and explore this imaginary landscape or world. Pierre use jump cut and vibrating time to create a sense of immediate in the viewer. In other word Pierre used fast cuts and plays with time to catch the viewer attention at that moment! Pierre also created a object and artifact out of imaginary experience and from books. Pierre made a weather room from all the weather mentioned in Edgar Allan Poe and compiled a weather log book.
Pierre weather room has authentic climate , rain,snow,fog. Pierre is trying to literally submerge the viewer into his imagery world. Pierre does this by using rhythm,music and light to play on the viewers sense. Pierre gives the viewer a chance to create there own narrative, each weather room pierre made is a different scene. Pierre gives the viewer a chance to start from beginning to end or from the reverse. Pierre also make a atmosphere that encourage the viewer to explore there imagination and put there selves in the scene. What Pierre is doing is making a movie or scene without film or video. Pierre is giving the viewer the tools and letting there imagination do the rest.
Pierre definitely went the extra mile when creating and sinking up the music, video and weather. To create the actual feeling of cold,wet, and fog. To me Pierre is taking the viewer back to when they where a child and didn't have to rationalized everything. Kids just let there imagination and there surrounding take them into a fantasy world where they are free to explore. That is exactly one of the thing that is so appealing about animation and art. That is can create a world and give the viewer a chance to explore or see them selves in it. Basically, to me I Pierre main goal in his art is to make something that make the viewer have complete imaginary freedom to do what ever they want!!!.